Freelancer Software Developper

Hello, I’m Beaudry

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About Me

Hi, I’m a software developer based at Santo Domingo, RD. Work as full-stack web and mobile. Coding passionate, i love create and bring value for people and enterprises by doing what i love. I like sharing knowledge and all others things that can help.

My awesome Projects


Remittance with Crypto


Web Development


React Native library

Create apps with prebuild components

Tech et Culture

My articles

Build and publish an api quickly with express.

Web, api, express, nodejs, English

React native quickly create a signup view

Mobile, React Native, Ios, Android, English

How create a USD Bank on Ethereum, BSC and Polygon blockchain?

Solidity, Smart Contract, Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, English

Hire Me.

I am available for freelance work. Connect with me via email: